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Adding Articles to your profile
Adding Articles to your profile
Ashidha avatar
Written by Ashidha
Updated over a week ago

Adding articles to your profile can greatly benefit patients by providing them with relevant medical contributions and valuable information, enabling them to find the best support and care for their recovery journey. By following a few simple steps in the Doctify Dashboard, you can easily add articles to your profile and make them accessible to patients seeking reliable healthcare resources.

1). To add Articles to your profile, first login to the Doctify Dashboard and select Media Centre.

2). To add articles to your profile, click on the '+' symbol provided in the Media Centre. This action will show a field where you can input the URL of the chosen article you wish to share. You can add as many articles as you like, allowing you to showcase a diverse range of medical insights and expertise.

If there are articles you want to upload but keep hidden, you can easily do so until you're ready to make them visible. Simply click on the eye icon to hide any content temporarily.

3). You have the ability to modify any description or title for your articles by selecting the edit icon. Furthermore, you can delete an article at any moment by selecting the delete icon.

Please note that the most recently uploaded article will be prominently displayed on your profile. To modify this, it is necessary to add a new article, which will automatically update the main article showcased on your profile.

If you'd like any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours.

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