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Social Media Handles
Social Media Handles

Adding your social media handles for patients to view your other web engagements

Ashidha avatar
Written by Ashidha
Updated over a week ago

Adding social media handles to your Doctify profile allows you to actively engage with patients, expand your reach, participate in educational campaigns, and explore networking opportunities. Should you have an active presence on social media you may decide this is something you want to share with patients and we have now added a section were you can include links to your most used social media.

1). To add Your social handle links, first login to the Doctify Dashboard and select Media Centre.

2). Just add the user name of each handle you want to display and this will automatically save once the fields have had text added to them.

3). To delete select the red bin symbol underneath which will remove this from your profile.

If you'd like any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours.

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