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How Do I Update my Clinic Details?

A guide to adding a new clinic, updating contact information and adding your secretaries details

Updated over a week ago

When patients find you on Doctify, they will want to know where and when they can see you and how to get in touch with you. Here's how to use your Doctify Dashboard to manage all of the above information.

In your Doctify Dashboard you can:

  • Add or remove clinics from your profile

  • Choose what contact information to use for each location you practice at

  • Display your clinic hours at your different practices

Getting Started

Firstly, log in to your profile. This will open your Doctify Dashboard, now go to "My Clinics" and then select "Edit Clinics" to get started.

Adding and removing a Clinic from your Profile

To add a new clinic to your profile, follow these steps:

  1. Click on "Contact Details" then click onto "Add Clinics" on the right hand side

  2. Type in the name of the Clinic you want to add to your profile

  3. Select it from the drop-down list and then click Add

If the clinic you wish to add does not show up in the drop-down list, please contact us via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours to request this be added.

Updating your contact details for patients

It is important that you list contact details for each of your clinics. Without contact details, it is not possible for patients to make an enquiry.

Please enter the following information for each clinic:

  • Telephone Number - Visible to patients on your profile and allows them to make a phone enquiry for the practice of their choosing.

  • Text Message Number (optional) - Not visible to patients. Used to text you or your secretary to let you know when an enquiry is made.

  • Email Address - Not visible to patients. Used to notify yourself and/or your team of a patient enquiry. ** Please note that you can add up to five email addresses per clinic, we recommend that at least one of the five is your own so as you are aware of account activity.**

If you wish to have one set of contact details for all of your listed clinic locations then please tick 'Use single point of contact' and enter your details in the solitary box provided (shown below).

Any details you enter on individual clinics will be saved when you switch to a single set of details. This makes it easy to switch between the two options should you need to do so.

Display Clinic Times on your Doctify Profile

Showing patients where and when they can find you is a great tool to help them in their decision making. Here's how to add the times you practice at each location to your Doctify profile.

If you would like to enter your working hours you can do so by clicking 'Manage' on the right hand side of each clinic displayed. Then clicking 'Practitioners working hours'.

If you'd like any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours.

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