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How to Complete your Doctify Profile

Learn how to edit and add the final touches to your Doctify profile.

Updated over a week ago

The Doctify Team will create your online profile when starting your journey with us; however, there may be some final touches or edits that you would like to make yourself. Personalising your profile can help improve visibility on our website and other search engines. It can also help increase the number of patient enquiries directed at your profile if you gather plenty of reviews and have a well-informed profile.

If you would like to modify your Doctify profile you can do this by logging in to your dashboard via our website. Please see here if you are unsure how to gain access.

Your Doctify Dashboard

When logging in you will be presented with your Doctify Dashboard, as shown below.

The Doctify Dashboard initially lists your recent Activity Log, displaying any recent enquiries, reviews, recommendations, etc.

How to Manage and Edit your Profile

To edit your profile, please navigate to the 'Edit Profile' tab on the left of your screen.

You can edit your profile picture by clicking on the blue pencil, this is the image that will be visible by patients. You can view your basic information and contact details. Should you wish to change your specialty or your personal email and phone number (for Doctify use only and will not be visible to patients when viewing your profile). Please complete the form linked to the right of this page where it says 'click here to request a change.'

**Please note that the 'Speciality' section defines your top-level speciality in line with GMC/GDC registry. This is protected for data integrity reasons**

Adding Keywords (Procedures and Special Interests)

When setting up your profile you will be asked to select all the relevant keywords for your speciality. Keywords come in the form of subs specialties, special interest and medical procedures.

To locate this section please login to your Doctify Dashboard and under the 'Edit' section of your profile. You will then be able to select 'Procedures and Special Interests'. Here you'll find that there are tick-boxes to select predefined subspecialties, medical procedures, and special interests. Please select any and all that apply to you. * If there are any keywords that are relevant to your field but do not appear in the list, please contact us to request these be added.

For example:

These pre-defined categories correspond to our search engine and therefore allow patients to find you more easily. These keywords will also be displayed on your profile. This is useful if patients do not know what Specialist they require but know the Medical procedure of symptoms they have which they can use to search for the corresponding Specialist.

**If you have not selected the tick boxes then you will not be searchable under these keywords.**

As displayed on your profile

Once you have completed your keywords and saved the changes you will be able to see a section titled 'As displayed on your profile'. If clicked this will allow you to see your selected keywords and what will appear on your profile. Here you can reorder how the keywords appear.

If you select add procedures/special interests you will have the option to add any words that do not appear in the above selection. Please note if you add procedures or special interests this way and use the 'create new' function it will add this new keyword to your profile but it will NOT be searchable by patients.

**This new procedure/special interest will appear on your profile but cannot be used like the prepopulated keywords above. If you want to add a keyword and ensure it can be used as a search term for patients on the main search bar of the website please contact our team to put this request in.**

When you have finished editing each section, please be sure to scroll to the bottom of the section and click the 'Save' button. There is no auto-save so if you do not do so, the edits made will be lost.

Other sections of your profile

Please be sure to go through, check, update and save the following sections:

  1. Professional Registry

  2. About Section

  3. Procedures and Special Interests

  4. Fees & Languages

  5. Education & Experience

  6. Insurance Providers

All of which, if completed, are visible to patients visiting your profile. We recommend adding any additional content that may be of interest or help attract attention from patients browsing.

If you'd like any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours.

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