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Understanding Your Practice's Analytics Dashboard

Where to find your stats & understanding them

Updated over a week ago

Your Doctify Analytics Dashboard allows you to track the performance of your profile(s) and the patient engagement that they receive. The analytics on your dashboard display valuable data and provide an in-depth analysis of your reviews, your peer recommendations, your page views, your enquiries and your response rate.

To see your analytics page, please log in to the dashboard and scroll down on the left-hand side and click on 'Analytics'.

Summary Table

The summary table shows a table of all of your previous reviews based on the total number that you have collected, the overall average score, as well as your average score for each category. It also displays the number of peer recommendations that you have received.

Your Patient Trust Score

Here you can view the volume of reviews that you have received broken down into each of the different star ratings. You can filter this based on the time period in which you received them as well as by category (such as bedside manner) using the green 'Overall' button.

Patients who viewed your profile

The patients who viewed your profile section displays the number of total page views you have received since your profile became live on the Doctify website. You can see the total number of views in the bottom right-hand corner. You can filter by a certain time period using the clickable time functions in the top right-hand corner. This will then display a graph to show you the varying volume of inbound page views to your profile.


The enquiries section informs you of all of the interactions that you have received on your profile from patients. The total number of patient enquiries in the bottom right-hand corner reflects the total number of online bookings, appointment requests and telephone requests from patients combined. The percentage represents the proportion of said interactions and the number underneath shows the volume. Again, these can be filtered by a certain time period in which they were received.

Appointment requests - the pink 'appointment requests' section refers to when patients click on the 'request appointment' button on your profile and complete the form which then gets sent to yourself or your team depending on how your profile is set up.

Telephone requests - the blue 'telephone requests' section refers to the number of times that the 'call' button on your profile has been clicked on by patients. This will likely translate into a direct call from the patient to your booking phone number available on your profile in order to book an appointment with you.

Friends & Family

If you utilise the Doctify Review App to collect patient feedback and are actively requesting Friends & Family feedback, it will be visible here. Likely to recommend is reflected in green, neither in blue and unlikely in red.

Response Rate

We want to ensure we provide the very best experience to patients and respond to their enquiries in good time. Our tracker bar provides the average time it takes to respond to enquires from when you receive the enquiry via email to when you log in to view the patient details.

If you would like a further explanation of your statistics or are dissatisfied with your progress on Doctify, we are here to help! Contact

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