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Understanding your Dashboard Analytics

Viewing and using your dashboard analytics page

Updated over a week ago

***Please note this feature is only available if you have Doctify Expert Pro plan. If you would like to discuss having this feature or would like more information, please contact us.***

The analytics on your dashboard displays valuable data and provides an in-depth analysis of your reviews, peer recommendations and page views.

To see your analytics page, please log in to the dashboard here, scroll down on the left-hand side and click on 'Analytics'.

Patient's Review Table

This section shows you the volume and percentage of reviews you have collected for each trust score category. You can also see the number of reviews you have collected in the last 30 days. You can of what percentage of reviews have which star rating, as well as how many reviews you have received into total in the past 30 days.

Your Patient Trust Score

Here you can see your trust score which is an average of what your patients have rated you for their overall experience, explanation, and bedside manner. This data is based on all of the reviews you have collected.


This section shows the peer recommendations that you have collected from colleagues. You can see the total number that you have received and also filter based on the period of time in which you received them.

Page Views

This section displays the number of visits your Doctify profile has had in the past 30 days. This will also show if there has been an increase or decline in the last 30 days of people viewing your profile.

The percentage represents whether interaction with your page has increased or decreased in the last 30 days compared to the month previous.

Top Keywords

The Top Keywords section is where you can see the keywords which are tagged by patients when leaving a review. This means that not only can you see your reviews categorised by rating but also how many reviews you have for a certain medical procedure or condition. You can also see your trust score showing you which procedures and conditions patients are rating you highest in for better visibility.

If you'd like any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours.

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