Video Consultations

Ensure that you can access Doctify's video consultation software and setting up an appointment.

Ashidha avatar
Written by Ashidha
Updated over a week ago

Please note this feature is only available if you have a Doctify Expert Pro plan. If you would like to discuss having this feature or would like more information, please contact us.

Setting up a video consultation

We recommended for any video consultations to do this via the 'schedule a video consultation' section within the dashboard. This allows the patient to receive an email with the date and time of the consultation but also this will be added to your Doctify Dashboard under the 'Bookings' tab were you can keep track of which video consultations you have upcoming.

To schedule the video consultation you will need to input some details of the patient and contact details, this is so an email can be sent with the room link. If the patient is outside the UK you can change the area code by using the drop down arrow, which will allow you to select the correct one.

Sending Room code if the patient is using a mobile device to join

If the patient is joining the scheduled video consultation via mobile device you will need to send the room code separately. This is because they will need to download the app and input the login separately. To find the room code, you'll need to go to the selected appointment and select call details.

Once selected you will pull up the appointment including the patient contact details and the video consultation link. The room code is the last section of the link which usually consists of uppercase and lowercase letters. You will then need to send this code the patient.

Please note the room code is not the entire link but the last section (highlighted above).

If you'd like any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours

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