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🤝🏼 My Network - Endorsements

Endorsements are a powerful tool which allows you to display an endorsement from your professional colleagues.

Updated over 2 months ago

Why This Feature Is Great

The Doctify's endorsement feature boosts your profile by showcasing peer-recognised skills and credibility. It builds patient trust, enhances visibility in search results, and helps patients make informed choices based on trusted recommendations. By collecting endorsements, you reinforce your expertise and strengthen your professional reputation.

Your endorsements are visible in Doctify search results and on your profile, giving patients quick access to authentic professional endorsements that build trust and confidence in their decision-making.

Make a New Endorsement

You can now find the endorsement feature in the 'My Network' section. Once your connection request is accepted, you can request and give endorsements.

Overview of Endorsement Tabs:

- Received: All endorsements from colleagues.

- Given: Endorsements you've provided to others.

- Requests: Pending requests you've sent.

Request an Endorsement

1. Click + Request' on the right side to see a list of connected colleagues.

2. Select a colleague and fill in details about how you know them and the keywords you'd like them to endorse you for.

3. To see more keywords, click '+ Add skill.'

🖋️ Please note: The text box is optional.

Give an Endorsement

1. Click '+ Give' on the right side to view connected colleagues.

2. Go to the 'Endorse' tab to endorse existing profiles or search for a colleague.

3. Fill in details about how you know them and select keywords for the endorsement.

4. Click '+ Other to see more keywords.

If the clinician you want to endorse isn't on the Doctify platform, please contact your account manager.

Note: Currently, you can only endorse a person once. Keywords or text cannot be edited after submission. In a future update, you will have the option to update endorsements; for now, you can only delete and resubmit them.

Hide or Delete Endorsements

  1. Delete Endorsements: You can delete any endorsements from the Doctify dashboard. This removes them from both the clinician’s profile and your dashboard.

  2. Go to the 'Given'tab and click the X' next to the endorsement you wish to remove.

Note: This action is permanent.

- Hide Endorsements: To hide endorsements made for you (which will still appear on your dashboard but not on your live profile), go to the Received' tab and click the Eye Icon next to the endorsement you wish to hide.

Need assistance? We're here to help—just reach out through chat!

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