If you are an account owner you can add and remove users on your Doctify Dashboard. You can access this feature under the user management section which is located on the right hand under your email address. You will need to click the arrow, which will produce a drop down box.
** If the user management option does not appear this means you do not have the necessary access. If you are the account owner and this does not appear, please contact our support team who can update your access to account owner.
To give someone access to your profile, click on the Add New User user button and input the persons detail.
Once you have added the user they will be sent an email informing them that an account has been created with their name and email address. They then need to create a password, and will be able to login via the Doctify website. If the new user is unsure how to login please find the relevant help article here.
It is in this section that you can change the type of access people have to your account any revoke any access no longer needed.
**It is important to regularly check who has access to your account and ensure anyone who no longer works at the practice is removed from having access to the account.
If you'd like any further assistance, please don't hesitate to get in touch via our contact form or via Live Messenger during operating hours.