Your endorsements are visible in Doctify search results as well as on your profile.
They help build Trust and highlight specific areas of your expertise.
Getting endorsements is a two-step process.
1. You can connect with other clinicians.
To connect: go to your Dashboard - > My Network - > find a specific clinician - > Connect.
2. Once that connection request is accepted, you can exchange endorsements.
To endorse: go to your Dashboard - > My Network - > Endorsements - > + Give - > choose a colleague - > Endorse.
You will see a pop-up with green keywords (skills) you are endorsing your colleague for. Feel free to select different ones by clicking '+ Add skill'.
You can add a text comment about the expertise of your colleague.To request an endorsement: go to your Dashboard - > My Network - > Endorsements - > + Request - > choose a colleague - > Request.
You will see a pop-up with green keywords (skills) you are requesting an endorsement for. Feel free to select different ones by clicking '+ Add skill'.
Please watch a short video on how it works.