๐ก YES, Doctify is completely free for patients to use. You can freely search for healthcare providers in your chosen area and for the expertise you need, whether it's for public or private care.
What Does Doctify Offer?
Free Resource: Learn more about doctors, dentists, or hospitals without any cost.
Transparency: Our mission is to help you select the best possible healthcare provider by increasing transparency in the healthcare industry.
Easy Connection: Connect with healthcare professionals quickly and easily.
Requesting Appointments
Requesting an appointment via Doctify is 100% free for patients. We aim to make it as easy as possible for you to get the care you need.
๐ Note: Our service is separate from any costs of visiting the doctor, such as insurance. If you're not sure about the cost of your appointment, we encourage you to check with your healthcare provider or insurance company. All contact information will be displayed on the Doctify profile of the individual or clinic.
For more information on making your selection, click here.