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I am a Patient

Everything you need to know as a Patient
12 articles
🍏 Is Doctify a Healthcare Provider?
🆓 Is Doctify Free for Patients to Use?
💼 How Does Doctify Work?
🩺 Can Every Healthcare Professional Join Doctify?
👮 Patient Review Policy: How Doctify Keeps It Real
📬 How Do I Post a Review on Doctify for a clinician?
📬 How Do I Post a Review on Doctify for a clinic or hospital?
🕵️ What should I do after completing my review?
🔭 Missing a Review Link? We’re Here to Help!
🔎 What is the Patient Review Policy?
✒️ Why have I been asked to leave a review?
🎖️ What Do Doctify Badges Mean for Me as a Patient?