Your feedback matters!
Here’s what happens after you verify your review on Doctify:
🤓 1. Reviews Stay Anonymous & Verified
Every review on Doctify is anonymous and written by real, verified patients. To ensure a safe and trustworthy platform, our team keeps an eye out for any harmful content.
📋 2. How Does Verification Work?
After submitting your review, you’ll need to confirm it via a quick SMS verification:
You’ll receive a text from Doctify.
Click the link in the message to confirm your review submission.
✨ Special Case: If you’ve chosen the ‘Review Us Later’ option in the Doctify Review App, your review is verified by design! Here’s how it works:
The clinician enters your mobile number into the app.
You’ll receive a unique review link via SMS, ensuring it’s secure and verified automatically.
😃 3. Approval & Publication
Once verified, your review enters our approval process. We check for inappropriate content to maintain quality and safety. This step usually takes up to 48 hours before your feedback is published for others to see.